Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Working like a professional

Wow, it’s a few minutes to midnight and I have 500 more words to go on my article. I am way past the deadline but it’s not coming. I have the facts and details and pictures. I even went to the National archives for some inspiration, but it just ruined my mood. All that history upset me somehow. Felt like-gosh- what are we doing with plastic bottles if our  great grand parents could  weave one out of reeds? And you wonder why we got 50,000 Kenyans dead each year from Cancer. The unfriendly staff all talking in their mother tongue put me off too.

Maybe it’s the story I’m on about-growing sukuma wiki in polythene bags to alleviate malnutrition- But it’s not  taking shape for some reason. When I visited the multistory gardening stand at this year’s Agricultural Society of Kenya International Trade fair{Nairobi Show} , it seemed I’d be flowing with words.
 show kids

 Maybe I should bargain with my editor to write about Maasai livestock instead. I stayed with a Maasai lady earlier in the month and learnt quite a bit about the maasai herders.

 "we milk our cows on the move, " she told me

I just downed a  mug of coffee. I feel quite refreshed now. Like the konda(conductor) In the bus today. People took their time to get off, I think it was the music. So he says- haiya changamkeni-
To mean get off. But the real meaning is feel alive. Language.

I hope I can finish this by tomorrow. I would really love a herbal coffee, with Ginseng and  three  non- dairy creamers.

 Actually I  wish I was listening to my book of the moment- grapes of wrath by  Steinbeck. It’s gripped me by the scruffs. Donno what I’m gonna  do with myself when I’m done reading it, listening to it rather. 

Had an interview today,  guy wants a business presentation done, and as I walked through Mữthurwa, my fav mall. I spotted- Diary of a Wimpy kid!-The ugly truth- and in purple, to match the shirt I was wearing. Would you believe it, It was Ksh.30. Last time I checked at the stores. Diary of a Wimpy Kid- Dog days was Ksh.700, cling wrapped, of course.

I’m so happy someone needed to make room in their house for other literature. So I read it through the day, laughing like a nut while queuing at the  NHIF Hall (National Hospital Insurance Fund )

Now I remember why I didn’t get enough sleep last night, someone was beating on their wife- get out from my house you prostitute!- and the entire court had gone out to sympathise, or watch. I just tried to sleep but didn’t get any. Oh, and Saturday night I made the wrong combination of food and was up most of the night when my system couldn’t hold it anymore. Cause of death- misinterpreted recipe.

1.09: time I finished the article

How are we?

 How is everybody doing? How are the young 21, 22,25 year olds coping with the sudden deaths of their friends, peers, brothers, sisters, cou...