Thursday, September 13, 2012


We didn’t see the seven mountains ahead of us.
We didn’t see how they were always ahead,
Always calling us,
Always reminding us there are more things to be done,
Dreams to be realized,
Joys to be rediscovered,
Promises made before birth to be fulfilled
Beauty to be incarnated
And love embodied.

We didn’t notice how they hinted that nothing is ever finished,
That struggles are  never  truly  concluded,
 that some-times we have to re-dream our lives,
and that life can always be used to create more light.

Al last, I can read a Ben Okri. I’ve always  wistfully read the back cover of his books in bookshops  thinking,
 Oh well, maybe one day ther’l be an earth quake and books will be strewn all over the streets.
Well, that has happened, there are books strewn  all over the streets, selling like bread.
The above excerpt is from the two opening paragraphs from Ben Okris-Songs of Enchantment.
I read the first page in the bus last night and I don’t wanna go ahead. Strange. Yeah, I want to think about it first, knowing I have another horde of chapters yet to be read. : )

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

You’re fresh, inimitable.
Like they pronounce good quality.
Your reflection:
 silver and gold
like loyalty.
strutting confidently with,
an assured sense and
a dash of weird
hey Cowboy
your picture is complete.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My heart is slowly thawing
With every lay of pure sunlight that peeps.
 By silent meditation
And private invitation
To observe and consider the world
I rejoice.

I’m just a tiny wispy
Who sometimes gets lost
When situations overwhelm

I’m just a tiny wispy
Who sometimes gets lost
When situations overwhelm


Monday, September 10, 2012

this moment is complete

Between snaps of
  I  wonder
Again, whether
 This is all a dream
 A really realistic Dream where,
I wake up with the aroma
Of flavours tasted
And the shiver of-
Near feelings confessed
The warmth of a Warm evening ray
Unblocked by the chilly evening wind.

Hey Lilly
Is this real?
 I dreamt we had rice wine together
In tiny budded royal blue porcelain
Embedded in white
The child playing a constant din with that plastic toy
On the dvd machine
The plastic beads inside broke out, like-
A dry pea pod at noon
And skidded down the stairs, settling
Between the bottles of salted eggs
And a midst your heavily accented words
I understood
 You once had dreams too
Now tangled up in others’ dreams
 Your partner,
 Your children
 Your work
Like the sweet potato vines in your back yard
 Growing among the nettles and thin mulberry.
You dreamt, you’d travel across, along and above the great sea that surrounds you.
 To listen to words served on foreign tongues
To sling a camera around your neck and pose
Long long minutes below monuments.
Dark glasses and sunny hats in place
Speaking Portuguese
Like you’ve seen in them lip-synched television programmes

The Kway Teow is cold now, down stairs.
 You wanna put it away fro breakfast
So you lift a tendoned  leg
And instead pull out a book off the shelf of many books.
-get me an African recipe out of that-
I trace a finger on the Suji and Kidney recipe.
The dog smells the page
Licks my face
The child is snoring on the floor
 You pour me another syrup starch syrup.

The house of therapy
To describe the carefree talks we  can have
Me on the single couch
You sitting on the pillow, ripping seams.
The child, an extra.
Therapy here means
The weight I’ve shed
As I speak with truth
Of sometimes ad hock existence
Like me backpacking back then
Lo! The scolding you gave. About putting myself in line for rape-
You are wise Lilly
I am done being a tomboy. I am, well, I have girl friends now.
I’ m a little less dreamy.

It’s hot
We eat agar agar
 Your other girl wakes up to pee
-Already 2pm mummy, when you gonna sleep ah?-
We are tired
But day break represents interruptions
Schedules and responsibilities

The night should last forever
The winking stars
Should never blink
Or fade
Or shy away from day
Coz this moment is complete as it could be.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Action drams, cartoon network sap and town music filled my mind
I forgot about the sound of nature
 The secrets whispered by birds to other birds
By crickets to other crickets
 By falls to the river

 I listened
 At last my mind began to remember
It began to refill itself with stories
 From the old  central
 Deciphering hyena’s laughter
 And what the cider told the grass below
 as they softly kissed
Beckoned by the wind

It was peaceful

I’d spent too many days indoors
Turning knobs and locks and switches,
 And pressing remote controls
I’d forgotten how to sit calmly listen,
Hear the sounds and breath in inspiration
A gift
 Which technology tries to slowly make me overlook
As I you tube
 And email
 And blog
 And chat…

I forget blue speedos and staedler pencils
Black rendits
And Tesco fullscaps.

Merged with everyone.

So I sat at the water’s edge dreaming
Peaceful dreams of sand beaches and
Clear springs of mountain water-ah-
For a moment as if in a stance, felt it
Heard it
 The soft calling of ants
 The gentle murmur of the trees….

Thursday, August 30, 2012

doesn't matter now

you're receeding
with every passing moment
I'm letting go half exchanged confirmations
coz this  is the best I can do
 on these emotions
 and unreliable histories
while I set apart
 the real from the assumed,
the default from the tailored
 doubts feeding off my sides
'I should have said..."
"I shouldn't have said..."
It's morning now,
 It's not so spiral now,
A day lives.

Conversations on dating as a broke year old.

  He said if you haven't been on a date at Uhuru Park then you haven't seen anything. 'You have to have done an Uhuru Park date...