Why, like still waters do you,
Palm under chin sit silent?
Why does your face carry the reflection of indifference,
Even as my love I openly display
Why? Do you pass this expression of my honest feeling
You, are like green leaves covered in dew,
River pebbles dark, smooth round
Your smile, makes me feel as if the world is alright
For no reason, I look for you, follow you
For no reason at all, I feel happy when you’re around
For no reason, I, am invisible to my friends
I’m running away but getting closer,
I’m cursing you but loving you
For loving you, but restraining myself,
Wet green cider leaves,
Dark blue and orange sunsets,
Children’s laughter
A puppy licking his owner’s face
I’m thinking of that every day.
So lift up you face, look at me
Listen to the words my eyes say
Respond to the request of my touch
Let me give it a shot.
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