Friday, August 19, 2016

Sublime Innocence welcomes 5 new nations--Karibuni sana

Sublime Innocence has new public admirers, and you all are welcome.

 I would like to welcome these five nations. I am quite impressed really coz you don't even speak English as a National language but still.. you are here..

1. Dominican Republic
I would love to walk this path one day

2. Israel
I would love to sit here one morning

3. Saudi Arabia
Now I am hungry for some curried potatoes

4. China
Sublime Innocence made in China?

5. Indonesia. Terima Kasir Kawan saya.
Indonesia,you are in my mind.
But old fans as well deserve a mention.
Kenya never disappoints...
 I have readers in Russia, that's vodcool.
 USA has been my biggest fan, but France is also a buddy.
 Keep reading, my Innocent people. Love you all.

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