I'm 5% steel and 90 percent emotional rust.
The rest of the 5% is the air that sustains the steel as it combusts the rust.
Basically, it's hard to explain how I'm still standing.
I take hits hard.
I crumble often.
But my five percent steel
Is a whole five percent.
My friend said to me a few months ago, that I resembled growth from the inside.
It's not easy to know how growth from the inside looks like.
And I wondered might I not be worse off than when I began?
But you never really know If you have grown or not until you face a situation you faced before and did poorly, but this time you do better?
I don't mean Maths. I'd still fail maths if I took a test today. But in human relations, in how I view myself and how I interpret other's actions.
After trying to understand it. I finally told her- please explain-
"Growth from the inside, is often seen by outsiders/ others as a threat or inspiration. Depending on whether the person has a fixed mind set or growth mindset. For me, it's inspiring, to see you all made up. I've never seen you all dolled- up, not like that. It's a risk, that was basically a"touch down ". You look amazing. Then seeing you model....I tell you the dreams you held on inside are surfacing. And the fact that, you accept & own both your inner and outer beauty is inspirational. True, life hasn't been easy.. But, you're taking it in stride and may JH continue to bless you, and strengthen you daily..."
So, inspite of my fear, nerves, constant apprehension? Delabitating uncertainity and the everyday realization that this world is too clever for me, I am growing.
I'm scared yes, but my fear these days fuels my motivation.
Take my hairdressing experiments for example.
The Kenyan salon environment is the last place someone who has as many fears as I do would want to be.
The caste system, the politics and the competition.
They are a fast talking ready to contend bunch, but who are so good at their work that the feelings I might have towards them would best be described as a mixture of awe topped with a big red cherry of disgust.
I hold them in equal amounts of derision and adoration.
And here I am trying to earn a living among them, knowing they know I'm not as skilled as they are, yet from the corner of my eye, I see the same feelings towards me, and something else.
They can see the 5% steel.
They know I don't fully belong here, but they also can't place me.
There is something else there too, they admit.
There is fire.
And something else that is quite invisible. You need to posses it to know it.
'We are not sure why she seems to radiate joy even when she is obviously having a rough day.'
I've been reading about vulnerability and how it affects my life.
In her book: Daring Greatly, Brene Brown says that.
Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity
True after exhibiting vulnerabilityI have made some special connections. I have felt a little braver, I have become empathetic because I have been able to recognise the struggle in others.
And each time I bare my soul
I have no need to live a lie. I am accountable to myself and those I have or in my life to be fully authentic. In a way I expect the same from them, but I never get disappointed.
"often the result of daring greatly isn’t a victory march as much as it is a quiet sense of freedom mixed with a little battle fatigue."
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My friend Angie, overcame depression after a divorce |
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My friend Lindsey overcame Postpartum Depression |
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My friend Zawadi overcame intense grief after losing both parents |
They are not strong, they are brave for not pretending that they were okay when they weren't.
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