Isn’t it wonderful, that we made it to midlife?
And now here we are in our 43rd, 47th and 39th year.
We made it past 35!
And now we are Managers and C.E.0,s in big Companies in Gigiri and Eldoret.
We have our own businesses, we have staff, we pay our taxes, and are regular on our health insurance.
Isn’t it wonderful that we are now parents and aunties and uncles.
We are stepping up for our friends when their children graduate from PP2, we are showing up for the ones we know when they have lost another parent.
We have seen the worst and came out alive.
We have had our joys, big and small.
We look at the older generation and think ‘ Simurelax Gen X, why are you so anxious?’
And we turn and look at the younger part of the Millenial party. The 29, 30,31 year olds and want to tell them.
“What’s the fuss?”
Because in a few years they will be facing the same big decisions, hoping that they don’t turn 40 without knowing what can make them stable.
Tumeoga tukarudi soko.
I want to Congratulate some of my very courageous peers:
Lydia, a fashion designer with the brand Passion Fashions, who after 15 years ameoga na kurudi soko. She is now Madam Daktari Nurse and graduating in a few weeks.
My primary school desk-mate Githu. Who is a financial consultant, payroll systems kitu kama hiyo and now running a Dairy farming business. From farm to the shelves. Huyo ni kijana wetu.
Our daughter from Kieni, Jeddy who has given 10 years of social work dealing with adolescents and young adults through a health program , students psychosocial support and Alumnae transition to life after high school And now running a successful crafts business.
My mother’s son, Jesse. The new GM at MSC Shipping, Nigeria.
I’m proud of us, we who keep on pulling one heavy step in from of the other.
There are more, I’m sure
If you have changed careers, or made it to 35 without giving up, leave a
hapa chini.

Coz we got this.
Joseph Mbogo Passion Fashion's, Jesse Chege Kraft Art Designs
And if you haven’t, get this book I wrote (
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