Monday, April 1, 2024

Marketing My Book: Going to buy a plot in Maaī Mahiū

 How do you sell your book?

This is a question I get in my inbox from writers or just curious people.
The answer is always, I do most of the marketing myself.
I am a trained marketer, with a Diploma in Digital Media Management.
I also studied Business Administration in my younger days, and the Marketing class was my favourite.
We had a teacher who knew his stuff. His lessons were interesting because we didn’t write notes. He gave us practical examples of what happens out there.
And he really really defined the difference between being a marketer, and a Salesman.

I’ll get more into that in another post.
But one example I remember from about 16 years ago was.
You have two weddings,
In one wedding they buy Coca cola products.

In another wedding they decide ah, soda ni soda, and they buy Pepsi, babito and Mirinda. (I don’t remember the other name, but there was a funny soft drinks company that had Soda that tasted like the then,Super dip (now we have Juice Cola) Softa- I heard this on Ngoni wa Thuita and Gathaiya's program.

So at the end the day the guests that were served Coca-Cola are happy and go home excited.
The other party didn’t even finish their sodas. So you have to pick up half finished bottles, and also many many crates of Soda still untouched.
I don’t remember the point exactly. But it was something about.
Yes, it’s good to sell and use low prices as customer bait, but the product also has to meet the customer’s desire.

While quantity may be good, quality also matters.
I’m not saying Mirinda is a bad soda. In fact, drinking the Tanzanian Mirinda and Fanta Passion is like sipping straight from a fresh spring. It’s balanced right and hits the spot like a Savanna would on a hot day in Nanyuki.
He is also the lecturer that taught me that just because a muindi has priced Buy three get one free geisha soaps at 299 shillings doesn’t mean it’s 200 bob.
He told us that when you buy shoes at Bata for Kes 1999, you should always ask for your balance.
I also studied Journalism, digital film and tv at Limkokwing University of Creative Technology.
So yes, apart from the book knowledge, I have listened and attended many many marketing symposiums.
When I got into business, my friend bought me a course by the famous what’s his name. Simon Sinek.

She also got me the book :
The Bootstrap Entrepreneur . I highly recommend it.
I have done short courses on Copy Writing, digital marketing. I watch Ted videos and marketing tutorials.
I read about Jack Ma, Ali Baba’s founder, and read Seth’s blog everyday
But I also listen to people. I go to the market and listen, I listen in the matatu, when I come on Facebook I listen to discussions, and read the financial pages.
I also observe.
I observe how hawkers interact with their customers, how supermarkets merchandise their stock and when I’m at the salon. I watch how seasoned salon owners manage to keep clients for five, 10, 15,20 years.

And I come and test these with my books.
9/10 times, marketing, rather than selling works every time.
Watch this video that talks about Marketing vs Advertising.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

5 ways to say, "My mother died. " For those currently or constantly grieving.

 On a random Thursday, when you get to work, you will find Clara distributing cupcakes at the coffee machine. Banana cupcakes, and you will randomly mention that your mother used to make banana cupcakes when you were young. Then Karen from accounting will ask cheerfully. ' Oh, does she still make them? You should bring us some sometime."

And you will say " No, not anymore."

You might walk away at this moment and go cry in the toilet, but ofcourse Clara will ask ." Why?"

How do you spit out the words?

Do you say, my mother died, my mother is long dead, my mother passed, my mother is long dead, or my mother is laying down with her forefathers?

These are five ways to answer that question without getting a concussion from sobbing. For those who lost their mothers 20 years ago, 10 years ago, five years ago, one year ago or last week, and cannot bring themselves to say the words that confirm that yes, you are permanently severed from the umbilical cord.

1. " Oh my mother, she slept one final one."

2   "My mother decided this world was not her home kitamboooo."

3. " My mother, that one is dust from dust and ash to ashes."

4. " That one, only Jesus can wake her up now."

5. Or The classic Kikuyu one " ucio niathire gutuhandagira mianga"- she went ahead of us to plant Cassava.

You need to be near an exit after saying any of these because no matter how much you try to distance yourself from the message, it will still hit you right in the stomach, and you might spend most of the afternoon sitting in the toilet sink counter.

All the best.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Readers feedback for Going to buy a plot in Maaī Mahiū and Other Stories by Cecilia Gathoni

 Ssup Cess read your book this week and loved it. Utterly loved it in every possible way...

My favourite chapter is 4 : The Importance of Cows

It is beautiful and amzing. Truly having perspective and clarity is on of the most important things but aside from that this chapter clearly showcases vividly the overall them of the book: LIFE IS UNFAIR, deal with it!

From imagining the rotting carcasses, the death filled air, the distraught demeanor of the Maasai and to the idiot next to you it was truly a masterpiece. I have so much perspectives I would love to say, but lemme leave it at The Importance of Cows...

Thanks for the stories & such an awesome book...

Brian, this is feedback I’ve been waiting for. 

The Importanc rod cows was the last story I did. In fact I added it just before the book went to print. It’s a story I had been carrying inside since November last year. I typed it one afternoon on my phone at the Kikuyu bus station, Kikuyu town, then went to a cyber and proof read it. It’s one of the most important stories for me in the book. It moved me when I wrote it, I wondered if anyone would get it as profoundly as you have.

Like you have said. That is the main theme of the story- I am amazed that you were able to see it and summarize it.- Brian

😁hiii! Yes, but I haven't finished reading; my life pretends to be too busy even for important things! 😅 But i scribbled this comment immediately after reading the first few pages: True to life, with elegant simplicity, and an intelligent sense of humour! It's hard to believe this is your first book! Sam 

Lemi know once it's up for know when I finished the other one I felt like I has been visiting a nice place which had a lot going on.....I kept thinking to myself...nilikua waaapi... then I smile when I remember ni kwa book ❤️ Judy


Hi Cec, I picked it up the problem now is to put it down....😁😁😁 much more than I expected, am now where the high school boyfriend with a red bandana is visiting 😀 😍 😅....hilarious doesn't do neither does witty still finding how to describe this one!

This book is deep! Btwn, i sometimes feel that people who go that deep either smoke some stimulant like weed, or they listen to too much reggae, or both😂🙈.i dont know about you🫣

👆🏼dont share this one lol- SK

Buy the book here.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024


Stories inspired by true events, with the most hilarious point of view. We xhoose how we look at life, Cess shows you how to look at it from the funny, side of it…”it’s funny but so true.” Thumbs up.- Selly 

It is unapologetically real. The stories are told so vividly that even if one has not experienced what the author has experienced, they can imagine and feel it. I love how she has included the Kikuyu language with zero explanation of what the words mean and we still understand and find ourselves laughing. I can read it over and over again. Infact, lemme start again - Maryaan

Soon after I finished the read….. of course with a few ribs cracked….the boyfriend in the red bandana will forever be etched in my mind…and I agree with Gathoni who packs their bags to relocate to…..(find out where when you read your copy) it felt like I was away visiting a nice place which had a looooot going on… mind kept drifting……nilikua waaapi… then I smile when I remember ni kwa book ❤️- Judy

A journey through words: I found myself in many “chuoms” through Memory Lane while reading the stories. Different timelines yet quite similar experiences with a blend of humor. Thanks, Ciss for the adventure you took us through. I hope what I’ve heard through the Grapevine is true; that there’s another book coming soon. Looking forward to more adventures through your stories.- Anko Phil

Simply fabulous.
Can’t wait for the next book from you. -Dan

when you say “igoka inya! inyanya.” Only a real Kikuyu can get that….

..and when you call out “Mama, mama!” It caught me off guard thinking this is Swahili. Then it hit me. Mama ni uncle 🤣. Kwisha Mimi.

This book should be bigger. I am rereading it juu imeisha haraka sana. Imeniacha na tamaa ya kuendelea.- Lena

I relate with every story in this book.The story line flows like a river.i smile or through as I read it . I love the choose of wording .can’t wait to read another book from the author I wonder what she has in store for us💕💕💕- Maina

Wueh! This is a real read. Can’t stop laughing. Brought so many childhood memories. Am now teaching my husband Kikuyu for him to enjoy the book.

Am waiting for the next one.- Lena

“Having just finished Going to Buy a Plot in Maai Mahiu, I can’t stop laughing! The author’s comedic genius shines through every page, making it a must-read for anyone in need of a good laugh. Brilliantly entertaining!”- Collins

An astounding weave of stories that will leave your ribs cracking from laughter. The gifted author, who has mastered the art of lifting spirits with humor, uses a very comprehensible language for all levels of readers. I highly recommend this literary work by Cecilia.- Kelvin Muriuki

All the stories are very good; simple, enjoyable and relatable with my type of humour..have had a good laugh..please write another book!- Mo

Humour told effortlessly, unassumingly, poignantly. A book through which every reader sees themselves in their daily motions of life and the little humorous things we don’t pay much attention to. This book is worth more than it’s priced. As an aspiring writer with unpublished and copyrighted manuscript, I’ve enjoyed reading and re-reading this piece. There’s definitely sweeter things where this one came from.- Jame Oluoch

I loved reading the stories most of which I can relate to. Good Job Cess.- Munyeki F

Beautifully written stories that help you reflect on the seemingly mundane things of life with a good laugh.
Looking forward to more books from Cecilia.- Grace

The stories are so relatable and told with a witty sense of humuor. Cecilia writes in an easy to understand way that suits a wide audience. Once you pick up this book, it will he hard to put it down 😊- Melissa

Buy the book here:

Friday, December 22, 2023

A Fresh Breath

 The guy who brought me gas gave me such a beautiful smile I felt like I had walked into the secret garden.

I don’t like men who smile smile a lot 

In fact I would like my order to be; a little sullen, with an overpowering sense of gray dread aura around them.

But here was in full uniform like a fireman with a smile so genuine, so sunny, like an imported orange.

I felt like I opened the gate and   Saw myself, saw something familiar.

He had followed my directions, and called me back when my airtime ran out.

I spent ten minutes trying to pay to the till. Until I finally paid him directly and he told me if I ordered from their app next time I’d get a KG of sugar.

But I don’t mind much about the sugar.

Hiyo smile ndio nataka kuona tena.

Sijui nifungulie gas hapa nje iishe niitishe tena.

How do we have in 2023,  on the outskirts of Nairobi, a Kenyan man with a beard, smiling like that?

Me the men I know always look like they want to slap someone.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

What A Book does for you.

Signing the author's wall at Nuria Book Store

When I started thinking of publishing, I did everything but still it didn’t work out, then I attended The African Book Fair organized by Soma nami books at the McMillan Library, Nairobi in October.
I was impressed by the collection of African books on display, including many Kenyan writers I had never heard of.
The day I went, there was a book reading by
a poet writer, Sakina.
She has authored beautiful interactive books. My favourite is - The Elements of Us. And she talked about how she wrote her book when she was in a bad place mentally.
She said
‘Think about what a book can do for you.’

She mentioned that since publishing her first book, she had been invited to speak at various events in the mental health space.

I reached out to her on IG and she connected me to her editor.
I couldn’t do the book I wanted to do first - Conversations into Adulthood-
So I decided to start with the short stories collections.
That’s how Going to Buy a plot in Maaī Mahiū came to the forefront.

It’s barely a month since I got published.
What has the book done for me?
For a start, I have signed two writing contracts which have exceeded my expectations. This is in terms of, the bargaining power of a published author.
The quote I am handing out is the same quote I have been handing out for years, with the same experience and skills but so many times it gets turned down or even slashed in half.
I am grateful to Soma Nami for organizing a book focused event, not just a textbook peddling affair but a book fair for book lovers.
I am thankful to my publisher for publishing a book I am proud to show around.
I am grateful to the people who have bought my book and continue to give me feedback.
I have good friends, I know good people and this is just the beginning.
Get me on 0701030005 to BUY A COPY

Friday, December 8, 2023

My Book: Going to Buy a Plot in Maaĩ Mahiũ is on Nuria Store

 I have good news

But first,
I’m really grateful to all of you for your inquiries, orders and prompt payment.
I’m also a little overwhelmed with responding to everyone, deliveries and after sales services.
So if you meet me on the streets and I’m a little teary eyed, it’s not sadness, they are tears of joy.
In order to ensure you get a copy of my book Going to buy a plot in Maaī Mahiū quicker,
I have created an account with Nuria Store.
You can order online 🥳🥳🥳
You can also get your copy from their Book Shop on Biashara Street, Bazaar Plaza, 11th Flr.
I must add the guards at Baazar Plaza are the coolest soldiers in all of Nairobi CBD!
Let’s go out and get a copy

Text 0701030005 TO BUY THE BOOK


 Conversations into Adulthood is the title of my next book. It's a big project,a don't I have gone back and forth a lot but we are a...