Friday, October 28, 2016

Finding God- That time I got saved

I was always curious about getting saved and being able to say bwana asifiwe (praise the lord) to people. So one time while visiting relatives in the city, I walked to a church that preached in Kikuyu. 

The preacher called out for all that wanted to make Jesus their personal saviour to come to the front.
I walked to the platform.  All my relatives were Catholic so no one would recognise me I was sure. I had hoped to get a convulsion when the preacher laid hands on me, that would have been epic. I didn’t, but another woman who had accepted the Lord to take control of her life started to pray out loud and clap. The preacher was pleased and while he turned his attention to her, I walked back to my seat.

When I got home I told one of  the house-help ladies that I was now saved. She wasn’t catholic , she stroked my cheeck and said – Kaniso, you are now forgiven, you have made Jesus very happy.
The man of the house heard and he wondered out loud what a standard five child knew about salvation.

I was pissed. 

I was angry for his judgement of me. I had made a step closer to God, and he was saying it didn’t matter? I was sure he was wrong.
children know more than they let out, actually.

The whole of me was trembling. I had got up the courage to walk in front of a church full of strangers, and confess that I was a sinner and hoped to be forgiven and make reforms in my life, and here was an adult weighing my actions on his little  palm and trashing them? I had proof that God knew I existed and cared about children. When I was little my granny and uncle would sing to me.

(Little children of long ago were brought to Jesus
But his disciples stopped them
Then Jesus said don’t stop them
And he told their mothers,
Let the children come to me
Because all children are loved by Jesus.)

I didn’t tell anybody at home that I was now saved. But I tried very much to read the Bible, say prayers and sing. I had decided my affair with God was my own business, and I would be in charge.

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